Friday May 30, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Trust is the cornerstone of healthcare, yet today’s ecosystem is facing a profound trust deficit. Patients are increasingly skeptical of the healthcare system due to concerns around transparency, costs, access, and lack of engagement from their providers. This decline in trust has far-reaching consequences, not only impacting patient satisfaction, but also influencing outcomes, retention rates, and provider reputation. This session will explore the multifaceted nature of trust in healthcare, from the relationships between providers and patients, to the broader perceptions of the industry at large. Attendees will gain valuable insights into why trust has diminished and how to rebuild it through a strategic combination of transparent communication, social proof, and patient-centric practices. During this engaging session, Jen Marcos, Senior Account Executive at rater8, will examine strategies to enhance trust at every stage of the patient journey. Attendees will learn how clear communication can alleviate common patient concerns, and explore how their organizations can use social proof, including online reviews and testimonials, to build a stellar reputation that attracts new patients and keeps them coming back.
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Jen Marcos

Jen Marcos has been in the healthcare IT space for over 15 years. As a Senior Account Executive for rater8, a reputation management and practice improvement software solution, she’s helped thousands of physicians build and maintain an accurate online reflection of the care and services... Read More →
Friday May 30, 2025 11:30am - 12:30pm EDT

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