Friday May 30, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am EDT
It’s hard for hospitals and health systems to stand out from the crowd. Similar language about improving health outcomes, not to mention widespread use of the same stock imagery, makes it hard to break through the noise. Compared to other industries, healthcare marketers are still at the beginning of the curve when it comes to pushing boundaries. But bold, high-quality creative advertising has proven to be a critical tool for connecting with their audiences on a deeper level.In this interactive session, we’ll evaluate examples of award-winning healthcare campaigns and dissect what makes them successful. We’ll also discuss common barriers health systems face when trying to push creative boundaries. Attendees will leave with:1) Actionable insights into developing impactful advertising for their organizations and 2)Strategies for overcoming barriers to implementation
avatar for Jim Larmon

Jim Larmon

Chief Creative Officer, Unlock Health
I love making human connections through storytelling. For the last 25 years I’ve created breakthrough work for credit cards, cable networks, coffee, beer (lots of beer), banks and healthcare. No matter what the product, the medium, or where the data leads, if you don’t connect... Read More →

Rick Knief

Table of Content
Friday May 30, 2025 10:15am - 11:15am EDT

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